
Posts tagged vacation
Video Post: Take a Walk Through My Sketchbook

I recently went on vacation to the Southwest and Mexico, and it was much needed inspiration! I live in Northern Michigan currently, and its cold and snowy here. I grew up here, so its no surprise or anything when its cold, it just isn't super inspirational to me anymore. So when I can get away and visit friends in warmer climates, I jump at the chance. 

My friends, boyfriend Josh and I stowed away to Puerto Peñasco in Sonora, Mexico for a long weekend. We drove there which was super cool - we crossed the Sonoran Desert to end up at the Sea of Cortez. Quite a stark contrast! Love experiencing travel by car. 

I had decided that I would try to sketch and fill a whole Field Notes pocket book on the trip, and it turned out to be the best idea! I sketched our experiences every day as they happened and got a lot of good practice and fun designs to use. 

I recorded this video tour of the sketchbook to explain some of the funny things and oddities of our vacation. I already miss Arizona and Mexico, and especially my homies Chris and Lindsey.